
How to Use the Affirmations

You’ll find quite a few affirmations/reflections in the Additional Resources section. Affirmations have the power to change your thoughts, self-talk, and ultimately, your actions. They can strengthen your talents and help you develop traits that you wish to learn. They can enable you to overpower negative thoughts with positive ones.

You can use them just as you find them in the resources section, or you can further customise them for your own circumstances. In fact, it would work well for you to even write your own! Writing your own affirmations will make them extremely personal to you, making them most effective.

Wondering how to write an affirmation? No worries! You’ll find a helpful guide for writing your own affirmations in the Additional Resources section for this lesson. Try writing a few. You might discover a new talent!

Affirmations work the best when you repeat them to yourself several times a day. If you make up some short ones like the guide shows you, you can repeat these positive statements each time that you feel stress during the day and could use a “pick-me-up.”

Soon, you’ll notice the positive changes you desire!


Have fun with the course. Practice each lesson as much as you need to before you go on to the next step in your journey to authenticity. It’s not a race. And have a great trip!

Lesson 1 - How to Write Your Own Affirmations.pdf
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